Our TEXTAROSSA poster (you can find a version here) has been presented at the 2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA) by E4 during the even in Naples (Italy).

Our TEXTAROSSA poster (you can find a version here) has been presented at the 2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA) by E4 during the even in Naples (Italy).
The new EuroHPC website on European Exascale projects is available: https://exascale-projects.eu/. Don’t forget to check the ExaBlog!
Carlo Alvarez, BSC, will present on March 24, 2023, 09.00-17.30 a webinar entitled “PATC: Heterogeneous Programming on FPGA with OmpSs@FPGA” in the context of the TEXTAROSSA project.
Link/Registration: https://www.bsc.es/education/training/patc-courses/hybrid-patc-heterogeneous-programming-fpgas-ompssfpga-0
Professor William Fornaciari (POLIMI) hold a keynote speech at SAMOS conference entitled “Design of Secure Power Monitors for Hardware Accelerators”.
Abstract, Slides, and Video will be published on the SAMOS conference dedicated page.
The TEXTAROSSA project has been presented in at the Scalable Deep Learning over Parallel And Distributed Infrastructures (SCADL) workshop of IPDPS 2022 by prof. William Fornaciari (POLIMI).
Title: Design of secure power monitors for accelerators, by exploiting ML techniques, in the Euro-HPC TEXTAROSSA project
Download Slides
In Quattro and Politecnico di Milano are collecting experimental data at HEAP Lab in March 23-24. The goal is to build the thermal model of the two-phase cooling systems. The thermal test chip developed by POLIMI and the (portable) prototype of the two-phase cooling systems have been integrated to simulate the thermal behavior of a real processor.
A first step towards a real in-field validation!
In Quattro: Giorgia Rancione, Luca Saraceno
Politecnico di Milano: William Fornaciari and Federico Terraneo
The Tuscany Region of Italy via TOUR4EU organized at Bruxelles a workshop entitled “European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking Workshop” in which prof. Aldinucci and prof. Saponara presented the current EU projects, including TEXTAROSSA. Please find the workshop report here (in Italian).
TEXTAROSSA, a project co-funded by the European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking, kicked off on April 1st to drive innovation in efficiency and usability of high-end HPC systems.
TEXTAROSSA (Towards EXtreme scale Technologies and AcceleRatOrS for HW/SW Supercomputing Applications for exascale) is funded by the European High Performance Computing (EuroHPC) Joint Undertaking within the EuroHPC-01-2019/Extreme scale computing and data driven technologies. The three-year project, led by ENEA (Italy), aggregates 17 institutions and companies located in 5 European countries (Italy, France, Poland, Germany and Spain).
The TEXTAROSSA project aims to achieve a broad impact on the High Performance Computing (HPC) field both in pre-exascale and exascale scenarios. The TEXTAROSSA consortium will develop new hardware accelerators, innovative two-phase cooling equipment, advanced algorithms, methods and software products. The developed technologies will be tested on the Integrated Development Vehicles (IDV) mirroring and extending the European Processor Initiative’s ARM64-based architecture, and on an OpenSequana testbed. To drive the technology development and assess the impact of the proposed innovations from node to system levels, TEXTAROSSA will use a selected but representative number of HPC, HPDA and AI applications covering challenging HPC domains such as general-purpose numerical kernels, High Energy Physics (HEP), Oil & Gas, climate modelling, as well as emerging domains such as High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and High Performance Artificial Intelligence (HPC-AI).